It’s been almost 7 years since I last shared (what I call) a Real Life Home Tour and I feel like it’s time for an update; lest you think I somehow got my act together and my house magically stays clean all the time.
Here is why I think it’s important to share these real life moments: We live in a world filled with images that can make us feel “less than”… like everyone has it together, and we don’t.
While I may share lots of pretty pictures of room makeovers and furniture flips, my house gets messy all the time! Sometimes sharing our own messes means we no longer feel “less than”, but instead “part of”.
These images were all taken on a particularly messy day around my house. It was the week before school was starting and I seriously went from one activity to the next, hardly having a moment to rest, let alone clean.
Ready for a little dose of “real life”?
Real Life Home Tour
Yesterday my oldest made brownies and my youngest made pretzel rolls. Neither cleaned up after themselves all that well. That pile of dishes to the left of the sink were supposed to be done by my oldest last night, but somehow they just didn’t get done, and I refuse to do her chores even though it drives me a little crazy.
Office & Breakfast Nook
My youngest is working on a puzzle, and because he’d rather be out with the family, he set up a card table in this space. There’s an extra table hanging out here as well because I flipped a different one and just haven’t found a space for the old one yet.
Living Room
I swear this was completely clean yesterday, but then my youngest was being goofy and came out with 3 pairs of sunglasses on, along with a winter coat. They all ended up on the floor and coffee table instead of making it back to his room.
Dining Room
I mean… it’s not that bad 🙂
Who else puts things that need to go downstairs at the top of the stairs in hopes as people go down, they’ll bring stuff with them? That’s what this picture is all about.
So… I’m working on making over our cedar chest so its entire contents are on the floor, and it’s too early to have made my bed yet…
We all have dirty dishes in the sink sometimes.
We all have piles of laundry that need to be washed.
We all have kids that use glitter and play with Legos and then don’t clean up after themselves.
This is real life. Cherish it.
Terri says
Yes! This is what houses look like most of the time! Thanks for sharing this – a very refreshing post.
Lisa says
Yep, real life with real life people. My house has once in a while looked like a lovely, spotless, model home, but it doesn’t last long when the humans arrive home. It’s like dieting, it seems to only take 1 piece of Cake to gain 10 pounds and 6 months to get it off. Keeping a house that houses families, pets & friends has the same issues. Lol Thanks for the real life tour.
Judy M. says
I have to laugh! Who of us has a perfect home all the time? Not me! Sometimes we must choose between housework and paying attention to people in our life… People are much more fun!!!
Cara says
Thank you for sharing, I think we all get so caught up in the pretty photos we think everyone lives like that all of the time. I know my home is not perfect 100% of the time, but I wish it were.
Bev says
I am so glad to see that you are REAL!!!! Like most of us we too live in chaos and a mess, and it is wonderful to see that you will and can share it with us, to let us know that we are okay and this is normal. We are all the same houses/homes do get messy and lived in they do not get cleaned up and put away we sometimes have to live in it for while.
I am so tired of websites etc making me feel bad because my house is not in perfect cleanliness and order 24/7
Thanks for making me feel good about home and cleaning