Have you ever noticed a build-up of hard water deposits on your fridge’s water dispenser and/or drip tray? And then realize your drinking water is coming through all that gunk? Learn how to clean a refrigerator water dispenser and drip tray using natural ingredients. I promise, it’s easy.

There are many things we rarely think about cleaning: our refrigerator’s water dispenser and drip tray are a couple such areas. Both the water dispenser and drip tray can get clogged with hard water deposits and affect the quality of our drinking water. Admittedly, I ignored these two areas for far too long (and you’ll see that in the pictures below). Luckily, cleaning a fridge’s water dispenser and drip tray is super easy to do.
What You Need to Clean A Fridge Water Dispenser & Drip Tray

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Ingredients Needed to Remove Hard Water Build Up on A Refrigerator Drip Tray & Water Dispenser
Supplies Needed to Clean A Refrigerator Water Dispenser & Drip Tray
How to Clean A Refrigerator Drip Tray
I have never been one to shy away from showing gross things that need cleaning, but this fridge drip tray of ours is one of the more embarrassing pictures I’ve shared here. It rivals my shower head and refrigerator coils. Check out how bad I let our refrigerator’s drip tray get…

The fact I let it get this bad is truly inexcusable because the solution to remove hard water stains from a fridge’s drip tray is so easy!
Simply remove the drip tray from the refrigerator and set in on the counter, making sure the tray is level. If your tray tilts a little, prop it up with a folded dishcloth or towel. Then pour some distilled vinegar into the tray, allowing it to fill all the little divots.
A Word of Caution: If you have natural stone counter tops, you may want to do this on a plate (or in a baking dish) as vinegar can etch natural stone.
Allow the vinegar to sit in the tray for 30-60 minutes, then pour it out and rinse the tray with fresh water. If any mineral deposits remain, simply scrub them off with a dishcloth. Honestly, I have never needed to scrub anything. The vinegar does a great job dissolving the hard water deposits, so I simply rinse, dry and return the tray back to its place.
Look at these results!

How to Clean A Refrigerator Water Dispenser
While the drip tray is soaking with the vinegar, clean the refrigerator water dispenser. Again, let’s start with a before picture of our refrigerator’s water dispenser spout.

Grab the bottle of vinegar one more time, and pour a little into a bowl. Add a couple paper towels to the bowl so they are completely soaked in vinegar.

Remove the paper towels and squeeze the excess vinegar into the bowl. The paper towels should be wet, but not dripping. Wrap the vinegar soaked paper towels around the water dispenser spout, keeping them in place for 30-60 minutes. If you notice the paper towels start slipping, you can wrap a rubber band around them to hold them in place.

When the time is up, remove the paper towels and wipe down the dispenser. Then grab a straw cleaner brush and a cup of warm water mixed with a small squirt of dish soap.
Dip the straw cleaner brush into the cup to wet it and then push the straw brush up into the fridge’s water dispenser spout, moving it up and down to clean the inside of the spout.

Once complete, rinse the dispenser by running water through it. Continue rinsing the water dispenser until a full cup of water comes out clear (and nothing is floating in the water). This took me two cups full.

Look at these results! (I don’t know if it’s the camera angle or what, but doesn’t the dispenser hole look bigger after cleaning… was it that clogged with gunk?)

For More Tips on Keeping A Refrigerator Clean & Smelling Fresh, Check Out These Posts
How to Clean Refrigerator Coils | DIY Refrigerator Deodorizer
Common Questions About Cleaning A Refrigerator Water Drip Tray & Dispenser
How Often Should You Clean A Fridge Water Drip Tray?
More often than I do (ha ha!) In truth, you should clean a refrigerator’s drip tray whenever you see evidence of mineral deposits or staining.
How Often Should You Clean A Refrigerator Water Dispenser?
It is recommended that you clean the fridge’s water dispenser every 3-6 months, however, if you have really hard water, you may want to perform the task more often.
Is There Anything You Can Do to Prevent Hard Water Deposits from Building Up on A Refrigerator’s Water Dispenser?
The build-up you see on a refrigerator’s water dispenser and drip tray is mineral deposits that naturally occur in the water supply. If you have hard water, the build-up is even more evident; and you may see an orange tinge from iron in the water. While you cannot remove all the minerals from your water, you can reduce the amount by making sure to regularly replace your refrigerator’s water filter. My refrigerator has a sensor that turns from green to red when the filter needs replacing (typically every 5-6 months). Check your refrigerator manual to find the proper filter for your fridge, and be sure to follow the directions for replacement.
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