Wondering what to do with that outdated space in your home, but don’t have a lot of money to spend? You have come to the right place. Welcome to the $100 Room Challenge!
Video via The Rachael Ray Show
How The $100 Room Challenge Started…
I used to scroll through Pinterest, or flip through magazines, and see absolutely gorgeous photos of kitchens, bedrooms, and pantries. I’d look longingly at these images knowing I didn’t have hundreds-of-thousands of dollars to spend renovating my home to create these looks for myself… nor did I have a professional photographer and a team of designers 🙂
Then one day it hit me…
I might not be able to afford my dream kitchen, but I can certainly make the spaces around my home better; not “magazine-photo-shoot” better, but more organized and more “me”. I would need to get creative, and spend money wisely, but I thought about all the things I could do for a mere $100, and I started to get excited…
I decided to start a series…
In September 2015, I decided to share this journey, and the $100 Room Challenge was born. Beginning the first Wednesday of each month, I gave myself one month and $100 to completely make-over a space in my home. My hope is that you will find some inspiration, and realize that, even if you don’t have thousands of dollars to spend, you can still create a beautiful space you’ll love.
–Featured on The Rachael Ray Show! Click here to see the segment.–
–The challenge was also featured on The Jason Show in the Twin Cities! Click here and here to see the segments.–
–Ashley (from the blog Bigger Than The Three of Us) had her $100 powder room makeover featured in the November/December issue of This Old House.–
–Brittany (from the blog By Brittany Goldwyn) had her $100 powder room makeover featured on Apartment Therapy. Click here for all the details.–
–Our $100 basement bathroom makeover was featured on today.com. Click here for all the details.–
Wanna Join The $100 Room Challenge?
If you would like to try this challenge for yourself, I would love to see what you come up with. Use the hashtag #100RoomChallenge on Instagram.
UPDATE: After six years, I am taking a pause on hosting the $100 Room Challenge. It has been such a fun challenge and I absolutely love watching rooms transformed on tight budgets, however, life has become incredibly busy and I need to take time to be present for family. Hopefully the challenge will resume again in the future.
$100 Room Challenge Completed Spaces
Here are the spaces I have completed. Click on the image and it will take you to the reveal:
- Laundry Room Makeover
- Entry Makeover
- Boho Bathroom Makeover
- Primary Bathroom
- Boy’s Bedroom Reveal
- Basement Bathroom Reveal
- Living Room Reveal
- Primary Bathroom Reveal
- Linen Closet
- Porch Reveal
- Coat Closet Reveal
- Laundry Room Reveal
Hi, I’m looking for advice. I need to touch up my kitchen cabinets and Island drawers from scratches. Also wood floors. Have you done a room challenge on your kitchen before? What kind of paint would I use for cherry wood? Thanks, Carolyn
I just found you through Terrie from Decorate and More with Tip. We do Ten on the 10th together. I have to admit that I am fascinated with the idea of $100 for one room, although when I think about it I have been decorating on a budget for years. Will definitely apply to be in the January group as we are moving and it is a fixer upper! Love your rooms.
What a perfect idea Erin! These will help me to ensure a new look of my new house! Will apply all of them for sure. Thanks for sharing such great ideas! 🙂
Hello Erin. What a great idea! I would love to join the #100roomchallenge but I have never done this so don’t really know how to get on board. (Confession:, I have no idea what DM means to even message you..ugh). I know what room I want to do though so that’s a plus. Can’t wait to see your reveal.
Hey Kelli- I’d love to have you join the challenge! If you would send an email to [email protected], I’ll get you all the details about joining 🙂
just found you! Have been loving all your $100 room challenges! We are in the process of updating our whole main floor level! Just removed popcorn ceiling (cheap update- but such a dusty mess no matter how careful you are!) and that is making a HUGE difference all ready. We start on the trim and crown molding next, going all white! Then Kitchen cabinets are getting a facelift. I’m curious where you score free paint. You mentioned a recycling center? I couldn’t find further mention of how and where though. Can you share that with me? I am also trying to much of our projects myself as my husband has crazy hours and so finding resources where I can save a few pennies is really helpful!
Thank you!!
Congratulations on all the updates! I bet it’ll look amazing when you’re done 🙂 As for the free paint, you’ll want to check your local area for something similar. We have a Recycle Center nearby that also takes leftover “waste”: paint, stain, cleaners, etc. Because people cannot put these items directly into their trash for collection, they can bring them to this Recycle Center. Anything that is still usable is put out for residents to come by and get (for free). I believe many areas have similar centers, but you’ll need to check. For ours, you have to be a resident of the county in order to use it.
Great! I will! Thanks!
Hi DeeDee! You mentioned you couldn’t figure out where to find free paint. I’m in St. Paul, MN. We have a number of these locations all around. Try Google g your “County Name” followed by “ReUse Center” (or drop the “Center”). If you don’t have luck finding a place still, call your City Hall and ask to talk to someone that works with Recycling and they should be able to tell you how that works where you live! If not, maybe you should put a bug in your County’s Board to start a ReUse Center! I go to ours at least 2-3 times a month! Note: From Labor Day to Memorial Day, our centers are open only on Saturdays. But in the summer they have limited hours 6 days a week. People love getting paints, stains, spray paints, cleaning supplies, Pools and Decks supplies, etc…!
I don’t know how I found you but so glad I did! Love this idea. I’m a very new blogger and wished I’d see this at the beginning of July. Oh well, I look forward to seeing the posts on IG. Totally love the name of your blog btw!
Hi Cindy-
So glad you stumbled upon this blog. If you are interested in doing a $100 Room Challenge in the future, shoot me an email and I’ll get you added to my Facebook group so you’ll know about upcoming challenges 🙂
What a fun idea! We just finished up all the not fun but necessary repairs on our new house and I am itching to get to the creative stuff! Count me in!
So happy to hear the new house is coming along. If you want to join in, send pictures! I’d love to see, and share, what you’re doing!
I would love to join this as soon as my house is built. It will make it easier for me to stay within budget if I do. I loved your laundry room ORC, it inspired me! Can’t wait to see your future projects! 🙂
I would LOVE for you to join in. I popped over to your blog and it looks like you might just be starting the building process. How exciting! Let me know when your house is ready, and we’ll redo a few spaces together!